Today we had our first Interactive Design Technology (IDT) lesson with Thierry. We had to settle the wireless connection, so the first two hours were spent on this. Lesson was rather brief as it was just an introduction on what we will be doing for the first semester and we were briefed on our first assignment for IDT. We were to form groups of four and come out with a name and motto for our group. It was about creating new printing experience for the blind.

During lunch, we ordered 60 dumplings! Can you believe it? We managed to finish them all though. What a group of gluttons we are. The dumplings were indeed very tasty.
Then we went back to class and Thierry gave us the second assignment of the day. We were supposed to blog our seven weeks stay in Dalian and it will be graded for gems. After that, we continued our discussion for the IDT assignment.
As Jazz’s birthday is on the following day, we planned to give her a surprise birthday celebration by cooking dinner. We spilt into two groups – one to get the groceries at a nearby market and the other to town to get a decent birthday cake. Afterwards we headed back to the hostel and started preparing dinner. It was a failure though because it turned out that the food was not enough for everyone and the rice got burnt. It was the first time we cooked without using a rice cooker so it was no surprise that it did not turn out the way we expected it to be. Some were angry as they expected more food, while others did not mind it.
In my opinion, no one was at fault. The angry ones were hungry, the cooking ones did not expect all this. Therefore we had no choice but to think of other alternatives. We went out to get fried rice and dumplings.
By the time everything was settled, it was already eight plus. Everyone was famished. But nevertheless, everyone was satisfied and made do with the dinner.
Then it was the highlight of the night. We surprised Jazz with a creamy birthday cake and birthday song. We could tell from her expression that she was not expecting us to celebrate her birthday for her, and of course she was touched when we did so. Although she did not get to celebrate with her family and friends back in Singapore, we hope she enjoyed this mini celebration. Happy Birthday, Jazz!
By the time everything was settled, it was already eight plus. Everyone was famished. But nevertheless, everyone was satisfied and made do with the dinner.
Then it was the highlight of the night. We surprised Jazz with a creamy birthday cake and birthday song. We could tell from her expression that she was not expecting us to celebrate her birthday for her, and of course she was touched when we did so. Although she did not get to celebrate with her family and friends back in Singapore, we hope she enjoyed this mini celebration. Happy Birthday, Jazz!
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